C Coding Style


Formatting style


1TBS (based K&R) 4个空格缩进,没有硬件制表符(所有制表符都用空格代替)。

Tool support

Any of these tools can get you pretty close:

Eclipse built in “K&R” style, after changing the indent to 4 spaces and change Braces after function declarations to Next line.

astyle --style=kr --indent=spaces=4 --min-conditional-indent=0 --max-instatement-indent=80 --pad-header --pad-oper --align-pointer=name --align-reference=name --max-code-length=120 --convert-tabs --preserve-date --suffix=none --mode=c
indent -kr -i4 -nut

(the options for these commands can be tuned more to comply even better)

Note: These tools are not authorative. Sometimes, for example, you may want other columns and line breaks so it looks like a matrix.

Note2: The Astyle settings have been tested and will produce a nice result. Many files will be changed, mostly to the better but maybe not always, so use with care.



int function(int x)
    body of function



if (x is true) {
    we do y
switch (action) {
case ADD:
    return "add";
case REMOVE:
    return "remove";
case CHANGE:
    return "change";
    return NULL;

如果后面跟着else或者else if,则应该放在右大括号的同一行,且再次将左大括号放在同一行上。

if (x is true) {
    we do y
} else {
    we do z

Omission of “unnecessary” braces in cases where an if or else block consists only of a single statement is not permissible in any case. These “single statement blocks” are future bugs waiting to happen when more statements are added without enclosing the block in braces. 在ifelse块只包含一条语句的情况下,不允许省略“不必要的”大括号。这些“单条语句块”可能是未来的一个bug,比如当更多的语句被添加时,你可能会忘了用大括号把语句括起来。



if, switch, case, for, do, while

但不适用于sizeof, typeof, alignof, 或者 attribute 等关键词。

s = sizeof(struct file);


char *linux_banner;
memparse(char *ptr, char **retptr);
char *match_strdup(substring_t *s);


=  +  -  <  >  *  /  %  |  &  ^  <=  >=  ==  !=  ?  :


&  *  +  -  ~  !  sizeof  typeof  alignof  __attribute__  defined


++  --

‘.’ 和 “->” 结构成员操作符前后没有空格

‘*’ 和 ‘&’, 当用作指针和引用时,它和后面的变量名之间应该没有空格。



typedef enum {
} mspResult_e;



typedef enum {
} pidControllerType_e;

之后就不用再计算,例如使用PID_CONTROLLER_LUX_FLOAT + 1;

typedef 结构体定义应包含结构体名称,以便可以前向引用该类型,如:

typedef struct motorMixer_s {
    float throttle;
    float yaw;
} motorMixer_t;






作用域很小的简单临时变量可能会很简短,但这样符合惯例。比如在for循环中将”i“作为临时计数器,如for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)。在这种情况下使用“temporaryCounter”不会提高可读性。



变量应该在使用变量的最小作用域的顶部声明。应避免变量的重复使用 —— 当他们的作用不相关时,应定义不同的变量。定义后面应有一行空行。


Variables with limited use may be declared at the point of first use. It makes PR-review easier (but that point is lost if the variable is used everywhere anyway). 使用有限的变量可以在第一次使用时声明。它使的代码review更容易(但是如果到处都使用这个变量,这一点就不适用了)。


The pattern with “lazy initialisation” may be advantageous in the Configurator to speed up the start when the initialisation is “expensive” in some way. In the FC, however, it’s always better to use some milliseconds extra before take-off than to use them while flying.

不要使用”lazy initialisation“。






不要直接使用sin() 和 cos()函数,尽量使用近似的效率更高的替代函数。

浮点型的常量需要有”f“后缀,如 1.0f 和 3.1415926f,否则可能会发送重复转换。



Methods that return a boolean should be named as a question, and should not change any state. e.g. ‘isOkToArm()’. 返回为布尔型的方法需要命名为一个问句,并且不能改变任何状态。如:‘isOkToArm()’

Methods should have verb or verb-phrase names, like deletePage or save. Tell the system to ‘do’ something ‘with’ something. e.g. deleteAllPages(pageList). 方法需要包含动词或者动宾结构的名字,像deletePage 或者 save。告诉系统‘用(with)’什么去‘做(do)’什么。如:deleteAllPages(pageList)。

Non-static functions should be prefixed by their class. Eg baroUpdate and not updateCompass . 非静态函数需要在前面加上它们的类名。如:bareUpdate,而非updateBaro。

Groups of functions acting on an ‘object’ should share the same prefix, e.g. 一组作用于同一个‘对象’的函数应该共享相同的函数前缀,如:

float biQuadFilterApply(...);
void biQuadFilterInit(...);
boolean biQuadIsReady();

rather than 而不是

float applyBiQuadFilter(...);
void newBiQuadLpf(...);
boolean isBiQuadReady();

Parameter order 参数顺序

Data should move from right to left, as in memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size). This also mimics the assignment operator (e.g. dst = src;) 数据需要从右向左传递,如在memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)。 这个类似赋值操作符(如:dst = src;)

When a group of functions act on an ‘object’ then that object should be the first parameter for all the functions, e.g.: 当一组函数作用于同一个‘对象’时哪个对象应该作为所有函数第一个参数,如:

float biQuadFilterApply(biquad_t *state, float sample);
void biQuadNewLpf(biquad_t *state, float filterCutFreq, uint32_t refreshRate);

rather than 而不是

float biQuadFilterApply(float sample, biquad_t *state);
void biQuadNewLpf(float filterCutFreq, biquad_t *state, uint32_t refreshRate);

Declarations 声明

Functions not used outside their containing .c file should be declared static (or STATIC_UNIT_TESTED so they can be used in unit tests). 函数没有在包含它的.c文件以外使用的情况下需定义为静态(static)函数(或者 STATIC_UNIT_TESTED 这样它们能够在单元测试中使用)。

Non-static functions should have their declaration in a single .h file. 非静态函数需要在一个唯一的.h文件中有它们的声明。

Don’t make more than necessary visible for other modules, not even types. Pre-processor macros may be used to declare module internal things that must be shared with the modules test code but otherwise hidden. 不要让非必要函数对其他模块可见,甚至是类型。预处理宏可能用于定义模块必须与模块测试代码共享的内部的一些东西,请他情况都隐藏。

In the .h file: 在.h文件中:

… declarations …

In the module .c file, and in the test file but nowhere else, put #define MODULENAME_INTERNALS_ just before including the .h file. 在模块的.c文件,并且仅仅在测试文件中,放置 #define MODULENAME_INTERNALS_在包含的.h文件前。

Note: You can get the same effect by putting the internals in a separate .h file. 你可以通过放置在其他单独的.h文件中达到同样的效果。

Implementation 函数实现

Keep functions short and distinctive. Think about unit test when you define your functions. Ideally you should implement the test cases before implementing the function. 保持函数简单并且易分辨。 定义函数时首先应该考虑单元测试。理想的情况下你应该先实现测试用例再实现函数。

Never put multiple statements on a single line. Never put multiple assignments on a single line. Never put multiple assignments in a single statement. 不用在同一行放置多个定义。 不用在同一行放置多个赋值语句。 ??

Defining constants using pre-processor macros is not preferred. Const-correctness should be enforced. This allows some errors to be picked up at compile time (for example getting the order of the parameters wrong in a call to memcpy). 不建议使用预处理宏定义常量。 ???

A function should only read data from the HW once in each call, and preferably all at one place. For example, if gyro angle or time is needed multiple times, read once and store in a local variable. 在每次调用时函数智能从硬件读取一次数据,并且最好所有的都在一个地方。 比如:如果需要陀螺仪角度或者时间很多次,读取一次并且存储在一个局部变量中。

Use for loops (rather than do or while loops) for iteration.

The use of continue or goto should be avoided. Same for multiple return from a function and multiple break inside a case. In general, they reduce readability and maintainability. In rare cases such constructs can be justified but only when you have considered and understood the alternatives and still have a strong reason.

In expressions, parentheses should only be used where they are required, i.e. where operator precedence will not evaluate in the right order, or where a compiler warning is triggered without parentheses. This brings all expressions into a canonical form, and avoids the problem of different developers having different ideas of what ‘easy to read’ expressions are.

One exception to this rule is the ternary conditional operator

pidStabilisationEnabled = (pidControllerState == PID_STABILISATION_ON) ? true : false

Here, the condition shall be enclosed in braces, to make the ternary operator easier to spot when reading left to right.


All files must include their own dependencies and not rely on includes from the included files or that some other file was included first.

Do not include things you are not using.

#pragma once” is preferred over “#include guards” to avoid multiple includes.

Other details

No trailing whitespace at the end of lines or at blank lines.

Stay within 120 columns, unless exceeding 120 columns significantly increases readability and does not hide information. (Less is acceptable. More than 140 makes it difficult to read on Github so that shall never be exceeded.)

Take maximum possible advantage of compile time checking, so generally warnings should be as strict as possible.

Don’t call or reference “upwards”. That is don’t call or use anything in a software layer that is above the current layer. The software layers are not that obvious, but we can certainly say that device drivers are the bottom layer and so should not call or use anything outside the device drivers.

Target specific code (e.g. #ifdef CC3D) is not permissible outside of the src/main/target directory.

typedef void handlerFunc(void); is easier to read than typedef void (*handlerFuncPtr)(void);.

Code should be spherical. That is its surface area (public interfaces) relative to its functionality should be minimised. Which is another way of saying that the public interfaces shall be easy to use, do something essential and all implementation should be hidden and unimportant to the user

Code should work in theory as well as in practice. It should be based on sound mathematical, physical or computer science principles rather than just heuristics. This is important for test code too. Tests shall be based on such principles and real-world properties so they don’t just test the current implementation as it happens to be.

Guidelines not tramlines: guidelines are not totally rigid - they can be broken when there is good reason.